Athens International Christian Center

Athens International Christian Center Athens
Levidou 77
Kifissia 145 63

We are an international church located in the northern suburb of Kifissia.
International Christian Center Athens is a hub where people encounter God, are equipped for the work of the ministry and are encouraged to fulfill the Great Commission.

Sunday meeting time
12:00 PM
Phone Number
Athens International Christian Fellowship
Aiolou 68-70, Athina 105 59

International Christian Fellowship of Athens (ICF) is an English-speaking fellowship made up of many different nationalities from within the International community of the greater Athens area. ICF is an exciting place to worship and experience the love of Christ. Although we come from many different backgrounds, we are united in our desire to know Jesus more and to experience all that He has for us as we make this journey together.

Sunday meeting time
Website Address
Athens St. Andrew’s International Church
We offer two Sunday Services:
- 9.30 am
St. Catherine's British School
Leoforos Venizelou 77
Lykovrissi Athens 14123

- 11.45 am
Sina 66, Athens 10672

St. Andrew's International Church is an inter-denominational fellowship of Christians from many countries around the world united in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are independent and self-supported but strongly committed to working with our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ in Greece and throughout the world.

Sunday meeting time
09:30 and 11:45
Athens Trinity International Bible Church
3rd Greek Evangelical Church building at 37 Chelntraich Street in the Neos Kosmos area of Athens

Trinity International Bible Church is an evangelical community of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our aim is to glorify God in all that we do; and to that end we strive to let the word of Christ dwell in us and to set our affections on things above and not on things of this world.

Unified by our love of Him who gave Himself for us and redeemed us unto Himself, we worship together and admonish one another to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. We meet corporately every week; and we count one another as our closest friends, our family.

Sunday meeting time
Phone Number
+30 694 679 4658
Website Address