_ Нижче дивіться українські чи російські (онлайн) церковні служение в Європі.
_ Смотрите ниже украинские или русские (онлайн) церковные служение в Европе.
_ See below for Ukrainian or Russian (online) church services in Europe.
- Netherlands, Utrecht, Motion Church
- Poland, Poznan, Kościół Zielonoświątkowy Zbór “Słowo Wiary”
- Poland, Poznan, PIC (Please bring your phone and headset)
- Netherlands, Apeldoorn, De Voorhof.
- Armenia, Yerevan International Church
- Switzerland, Zürich Buchegg, (Saturdays, 11:00 Russian-speaking Service)
- Czech Republic, Prague, Baptist Church (YouTube)
- Azerbaijan Həyat Sözü (online church service)
- Hungary, Budapest, Riverside Church
- Germany, Hamburg, Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche
- Germany, Frankfurt, International Christian Fellowship
- Dublin All Nations Church
- Sweden, Stockholm, New Life
- Poland Gdansk Gospel Church
- Portugal Vale Judeu Algarve International Evangelical Church
- Czech Republic Prague Christian Fellowship
- Moldova International Christian Fellowship
- Czech Republic Prague, International Evangelical Church “Vine”
- Slovakia Bratislava Bratskej jednoty baptistov. Ukrainian fellowship 13:00
- Ukrainian Churches in France
- Belgium, Antwerp-South, Evangelical Church Philadelphia, Ukrainian fellowship 14:00
- Poland, Poznan, LifeHouse
- Moldova, Chișinău, Voice of Truth.
- Moldova, Chisinau, “Слово Веры”.
- Moldova, Chisinau, Church without walls.
- Android App with Ukrainian Churches.
- Apple App with Ukrainian Churches.
- Azerbaijan Həyat Sözü (online church service)
- Hungary, Budapest, Riverside Church