Вечер прославленный в Новосибирск
Breakfast in the garden...
What's your favorite bible verse? 02022021
Blessed by God? (Matthew 5: 1-12) 02022021
Easter: Christ has risen from the dead. 02022021
Good Friday: Christ has been crucified for us. 02022021
What do you see as idolatry today? (Matthew 6: 19-24) 02022021
Evangelism (Mark 16:15) 02022021
Giving (Matthew 6: 1-4) 02022021
Jesus fulfils (Matthew 5: 17-20) 02022021
How do you focus on God? 02022021
Darryl on the road with God 02022021
Prayer (Matthew 6: 5-15) 02022021
(Not) Judging (Matthew7: 1-5) 02022021
The Christmas Quiz!